Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Affair with the Call Phone

Since embarking on my career as a PNP, everyday is filled with firsts. This past week has been my first week to have the call phone. This is the phone patients can call after hours when they have an emergency or suspected emergency. It sits tucked safely away in my pocket as I type this. It is my constant companion.

I have started to sleep better through the night. Although, I still wake in a panic that I have missed a call. I suspect the first time it rings and wakes me (and probably the rest of the house) from sleep I will then know that it does wake me and may lose some of my fear. One of the nurses at work kindly offered to call the phone in the middle of night to help me out. I didn't take her up on this! Those times it has rang, my heart stops for a moment. I don't want that to happen more than necssary as I am not sure of the health reprucutions.

I try to find a relatively quiet place to focus on the caller without too much distruptions from my end. As a mom of four, this is not an easy task, especially since my husband works evenings and I am left alone with kids and my new baby, the phone! Yesterday, as I reassured an upset mom with a crying child, I watched as my 2 year old painted her hair with lotion. Do I stop her and take the lotion away and risk her screaming? No, I let her do it at the cost of peace. I tried to give her my best "stop-that-this-instant" mom look, but she just gave me a sweet, contented smile in return. On the plus side, her hair is very shiny this morning.

So, if you ever need to call an after-hours phone, please know that we take it very seriously and want to give you optimal care, but also keep in mind, those at the other end are also leading their lives. Please, forgive me if you hear the noise we create. Also, remember it is for true emergencies, not Tylenol dosage or a "fever" of 99.4.

If you ever have the pleasure of hooking up with a call phone, this is what I have learned in my brief tenure:
  1. Never call back a hang-up. You will want to!
  2. Give short instructions to parents. More than about 3, and they become overwhelmed and aren't listening anymore.
  3. Use the experience to improve your practice.

I hope I haven't bored you too much with this! This posting was essentially for my own benefit and to help me reflect on this experience. I promise I'll go back to the kids with my next post!


  1. Poor Sarah! I'd be a nervous wreck if I had to be on call too! and Yay! for REALLY shiny hair;) hahaha

  2. Lotion hair is the latest beauty trend ;-)

    I enjoyed reading about your experience with the call phone!

    -Kristen Nash
